We had forgotten about spiritual warfare but we have now been reminded

Note: This post, originally written in 2012, is no less relevant now than it was then. If we put our hope in the fallen world and our fallen brothers and sisters in it, we are bound to be disappointed and worse. Politicians cannot save us.

“Put not your trust in princes: In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation.” –Ps 146:2-3

“The world’s thy ship and not thy home.” –attributed to St. Thérèse of Lisieux

+JMJ+ Was I surprised by what happened on Election Day? Nope. Am I depressed or in deep despair over the results? No way. I saw it coming in 2008 and I saw it coming in 2012. Do I think we have a huge and serious problem? Oh, yeah, I do. But I think our problem stems more from the fact that we live in a fallen world and the fact that we are a stiff-necked people, much like the ancient Hebrews of the Bible, than the failing of one political party or another. No, the failure was ours. We the people. More particularly, we the Catholic people.

Continue reading “We had forgotten about spiritual warfare but we have now been reminded”

Doing things backward: Study was designed to support the HHS Mandate

Methinks the study leans a little to the left!OSV has published an article that exposes the flawed reasoning behind a study that was designed, not to evaluate the situation and see what steps were needed to deal with it, but to support the HHS Mandate. The “study” is a flagrant display of bias and pseudo-science.

Authors of the study said they devised it to mimic what they believed would happen if the Department of Health and Human Service’s contraceptive mandate were in place and women would have free access to all forms of contraception, including IUDs and hormone implants, which have upfront costs of more than $500.

The goal of the study was to increase the number of women using IUDs and implants because they “are more than 20 times more effective at preventing pregnancy” than other methods. [Emphasis mine.]

Excuse me, but the goal of the study was to influence behavior and not to study actual behavior, not seek to find and understand patterns? Not to see if a remedy suggested itself but to have a “remedy” in mind at the outset and mold the study to produce the desired result? How is this science? Lunacy! I’m happy to post the link to the article here to help expose the idiocy that masquerades as knowledge and science in our day.

Read Critics: Study designed to support the HHS mandate flawed.

Vote, Resources to Help You Form and Vote Your Catholic Conscience

The election grows nearer but I still hear some Catholics say that they have not yet decided who to vote for. So I put together a short page of resources to help you vote your Catholic conscience. Sadly, many have not yet formed their consciences, and many Catholics do not even know what that means. The Vote page will help you begin. First, start learning your faith (this is the Year of Faith, after all)! Then live it. Everywhere. Yes, in the voting booth, too. If we don’t do everything as Catholic Christians, then our faith is so much wind, as in, hot air.

Resources to Help You Form and Vote Your Catholic Conscience so you can LIVE your faith.

Catholic Every Moment and While I’m Voting Too

Note: This post was written back in 2012. A lot has happened since then but I think this still stands pretty much as is, so I’m not going to change it.

[Brief list of voting guides at the end of this post and on the new Vote page.] People have told me here at the blog, in emails, on forums, in conversations, that being Catholic has nothing to do with politics, has nothing to do with choosing a candidate, has nothing to do with any part of life except one hour on Sunday. Most of these people are not Catholic or they would realize many of us don’t go to Mass just that one hour on Sunday; many of us go during the week, too, and some go every day of their lives and always have. Even so, being Catholic is not just about what we do at Mass, no matter how many times a week we attend.

And voting as a Catholic is not merely a matter of prayer and reflection, but prayer and reflection on the teachings of the Church, listening to the priests and bishops giving guidance concerning the teachings of the Church, and doing our best to live as faithful Catholics abiding by the teachings of the Church. Yes, we have to follow our consciences. But first —FIRST–we have to FORM our consciences! And how do we form our consciences? By listening to our priests and bishops, the Chief Bishop, and studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the marvelous teaching documents written by the Popes (including but not limited to the last two Popes, the late Pope John Paul II and the current Pope Benedict XVI).

There is absolutely no excuse for any Catholic old enough to vote not to know his or her faith. You can read the Catechism of the Catholic Church (here or here or here) and/or study the Catechism and the documents written by the Popes and the documents of Vatican II, and much more, all on the web and all for free. The bishops of the USCCB have been trying to teach people for some time now and the “faithful” blithely ignore them and say they can follow their own consciences. Without forming them!

Yes, some bishops are less than stellar examples. So don’t follow their examples! But do as they say, the same way Jesus told the disciples to do what the Pharisees said do. But He told them not to do as the Pharisees did! And besides, a good many bishops are wonderful shepherds and I pray for them every day. They do not have an easy job. Shepherding Catholics is like herding cats. Everybody wants to be his own Pope! Well, there’s only one Pope and he’s in Rome!

So form your Catholic conscience and THEN follow it! Read Evangelium Vitae (the Gospel of Life) and Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life). Study them (study guides to  Evangelium Vitae and Humanae Vitae). I’ve been told that the Church has yet to rule on abortion being a sin. Newsflash: The Church has taught that abortion is a grave sin since the time of the early Church, in the Didache (in chapter two, really the second paragraph)! And we know that taking it upon ourselves to take an innocent life is prohibited by the Ten Commandments.

So right there, before we go any further, we can see that if a candidate wants to do everything in his power to promote and support abortion and cram it down the throats of the people and refuses to do anything that would limit abortion, which is an intrinsic evil, which means it is always and everywhere a serious and grave sin, then, guess what? A Catholic may not vote for that candidate and say that he is following his Catholic conscience. Because he would be demonstrating that he does not, in fact, have a Catholic conscience!

We can vote for someone who does not share our idea of the intrinsic evil of abortion IF–IF IF IF–we have reason to believe that that person would act in such a way as to limit abortion more than another candidate would. And we do have just this case in our political landscape as I write these words. We must vote in such a way as to limit evil. If you vote for the candidate who has put into positions of authority numerous people formerly connected with the largest abortion provider in this country, then you are not voting to limit evil, you are voting in support of evil. You are voting against a Catholic conscience, which you would demonstrate by your action, by your vote.

This is a grave scandal and for the life of me I cannot understand anyone not understanding this issue or thinking that any issue at all could ever take precedence over LIFE! If you don’t have life, I ask you, then what, pray tell, do you have? Nothing! The economy doesn’t matter if we are happy to ignore the slaughter of millions to get that economy. And the economy certainly doesn’t matter to those who we slaughter! So stop saying that pro-life people are “one issue voters” and then proceeding to say that you are voting on the issue of the economy. Hello! Isn’t that being a “one issue voter”? Isn’t that what you just said we shouldn’t do, reduce our vote to a vote on just one issue? Well, at least, if I “reduce” my vote to “just one issue”, I “reduced” it to the ONE FOUNDATIONAL issue–LIFE ITSELF!

Yes, other matters matter. But Life is the one matter that matters most. Without it, the rest of the issues are empty talk and chatter.

Voting as a Catholic: Live Your Faith, Vote Your Faith!

These links are also on the new Vote page added tonight. I’ll add more as I find them.

To Help You Form Your Catholic Conscience:

Woohoo, I finished NaNoWriMo, and yes, I watched the RNC (part of it)

Camp NaNoWriMo August Session 2012 WINNERI’m amazed, quite frankly, that I managed to do it. Finish Camp NaNoWriMo, August session. I’m not happy with it, not by a long shot. In the end I ended up typing whatever I could think of — well, really, it’s been that way all week long. Just typing anything to get something typed. I don’t feel like I have written, I feel like I have typed. All my plans and hopes for this NaNoWriMo got zapped into nowhere after my dad wrecked his car during week three and everything turned upside down. Bless his heart. Things are upside down for him much worse than they are for me. I can only imagine what he is going through, losing a substantial portion of his independence and mobility — not only is he now without a car, but he sustained physical injuries that give him pain and keep him from being able to do what he’d like. Nothing major… if you’re a teenager. It’s a little different when you’re in your 80’s.

And speaking of 80’s, yes, I saw Clint Eastwood during the RNC. And yes, I actually enjoyed his performance. I have always been a huge fan of improv, whether of the musical or the acting kind. And I thoroughly enjoyed the empty chair bit. Did I notice that he struggled a little when he spoke? Yes. Did it bother me? No. Does the barrage of criticism hurled at him bother me? Yes.

Because so many of the people criticizing him are not criticizing what he said but the fact that he looked and seemed so old saying it. Or he seemed frail. Or he seemed to struggle with his words. Ooh, how dare he?

I say, so what? When I’m 82 like Clint Eastwood, I hope I even know what year it is, what the Convention is about and why it matters, who’s running for what office, and where I even AM. I think he did great, the bit he did was funny, he said what no one else could or would say, and as far as I’m concerned, more power to him! He — wait for it — made my day! He made a lot of other folks’ day, too. That crowd was having a good time. What’s wrong with that? Nuthin’.

Seems to me a lot of folks — especially Democrats and “Liberals”, you know, the “oh-so-tolerant” crowd — need to kick back and loosen up and learn how to take a joke. And we the people need to kick a certain joke of a loser out of Washington and get on with making America great again. Before it’s too late.

As for the criticism that it took attention off Romney, I say, it wasn’t the Romney Convention, it was the Republican Convention. It’s bigger than Romney, and it’s bigger than Romney plus Ryan. It’s even bigger than the Republican Party. All of us — Republicans, Independents, men and women of good will, even Democrats with a lick of sense, if there are any of those left remaining on the planet — need to work together to get the most pro-abortion pro-culture-of-death president we’ve ever had out of office in November. His socialism and Saul Alinsky goals and methods are transforming America, alright. Into a place I don’t recognize and I sure don’t like.

If a famous and legendary Hollywood figure wants to be part of that with us instead of donating millions and millions of dollars to causes and people diametrically opposed to everything this country has traditionally represented, then I welcome him. I’d rather hear him than the so-called “eloquent” Obama any day. Surely people are being sarcastic when they say that. Eloquent? Are you kidding me?! Did someone change the definition of “eloquent” when I wasn’t looking?

One decision down, get ready, the real battle is only just beginning

Where's the freedom? Protesting the HHS Mandate outside the Supreme Court

Yes, I heard the news. No, I’m not surprised. Neither am I throwing up my hands in despair. The battle over religious freedom (and freedom in general) is on and it has only just begun. I’d like to quote a newsletter I received today from Eric Scheidler. I think it will help to clear up some of the misinformation which is already flooding the airwaves now that this decision has been handed down. We have a long way to go, folks. Get educated. Do it now.


Our opponents will try to claim we’ve lost our fight against the HHS Mandate because of today’s ruling. That is simply FALSE.

The Supreme court did not address the HHS Mandate issue in their ruling today. Nor did they declare the whole 2700-page Obamacare law to be constitutional.

Today’s ruling only addresses the constitutionality of a few pages of that law, on completely different issues from the HHS Mandate.

Provisions of Obamacare like the HHS Mandate could still be struck down in the future. In fact, I’m sure it will be when the scores of lawsuits against the HHS Mandate reach the high court.

But I’m not willing to wait that long — not when religious freedom is on the line. …

As I said, I’ll be nailing down specific plans for future action against the HHS Mandate soon. Meanwhile, visit the Stand Up website to see what you can do RIGHT NOW to fight the HHS Mandate:


So don’t lose heart.

Yes, today’s Supreme Court ruling is a disappointment. But in the end it will only INCREASE the urgency of our protests and inspire MORE people to join us out onto the streets!

The fight to stop the HHS Mandate will go forward with zeal — in the courts, in Congress, on the streets and on election day!

Yours for Life,

— Eric

This is truly spiritual warfare. Join the battle! Stand Up For Religious Freedom today! Read another interesting take on the decision and its implications.

Stand Up For Religious Freedom, Birmingham, Photos and Thoughts, Part 1

[Note: This page has several photos on it, so I’m not posting the whole thing on the front page of the blog. See the post page for all the photos. Thanks!] I’ve been sitting in a cafe downloading and editing photos from the Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally in Birmingham, AL, that took place from noon until around 1 p.m. today.

CEC For Life Director, Fr. Terry Gensemer
CEC For Life Director, Fr. Terry Gensemer

Didn’t realize that today is Fr. Coyle’s birthday. Who’s Fr. Coyle? He was a Catholic priest at St. Paul’s in downtown Birmingham, back before St. Paul’s was made the cathedral. He worked very hard to bring people together, used to pray the Divine Office on the steps outside the St. Paul’s so he could be close to those passing by. He was threatened many times for the audacity of true hope, for taking Christ’s prayer that we all be one seriously and doing something about it.

Hey, check it out! News cameras! Local news coverage! Maybe...
Hey, check it out! News cameras! Local news coverage! Maybe...

Continue reading “Stand Up For Religious Freedom, Birmingham, Photos and Thoughts, Part 1”

Rally for Religious Freedom, Then Go See October Baby

In a few hours I’ll be heading to Mass (I better get to sleep quick!), then I’m off to the rally to Stand Up For Religious Freedom. After that I’m going to go see October Baby, which was filmed right here in good old Birmingham, Alabama. The trailers look great and what I saw on EWTN’s Life on the Rock last week convinced me that I have to see this film.

October Baby, filmed here in Birmingham AL, the trailers look GREAT

What a wonderful day it should be. Got my cameras all cleaned up, batteries charged, smart cards formatted and ready to go. May have to make a stop somewhere on the way to the rally to pick up a raincoat, judging from the forecast and the rain we got on Thursday. My full report on the day’s events will be forthcoming some time this weekend. See ya then! And please don’t forget to stand up for religious freedom in a town near you!

Stand Up, Speak Out, Ready to Rally for Religious Freedom This Friday

I’ve marched for life in Birmingham, AL, and in Washington, D.C. I’ve prayed in the rain and lightning, in the cold and in the mosquito-miserable heat outside abortion mills. But this Friday will be the first rally for religious freedom I’ve ever attended. Because never before in this country has there ever been such a clear and present danger aimed at religious freedom — by our own government! Yes, the United States government has done things with which I have not agreed. But this is the first all-out in-your-face attack of which I am aware and the only way to not see it is to be blind. Completely and totally absolutely positively no eyes in your head cannot see your hand in front of your face blind!

Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally on Friday from 12-1pm Local Time across the US

Sadly, there are those who are just that blind and do not understand what is happening. I pray for them. Some are unaware as of yet. Some are unaware because they prefer to be unaware, prefer not to be bothered. My own father thinks, “Eh, so what?” (But he also does not even know what the HHS Mandate is, even though he watches the news every day almost all day. The man is nearly 88 and, God love him, if you ask him what year it is, he can answer correctly “2012!” only because he’s been saying that since 2010 and he’s finally right. Like a clock that’s right two times a day. Oy.)

If you haven’t found a rally near you, there’s still time. Find a rally! The last I heard (and this update was from the folks organizing the event, no, they didn’t telephone me, I heard it on the radio) there were over 130 cities participating, though not every person reporting on it has the updated number. I’m hoping that there are more cities than that already and that more will be added even up to the last minute.

The important thing is for folks to wake up, stand up, speak up and tell our lousy leftist thug government to back off and start doing the job they were ELECTED to do. We don’t work for them, they work for us. And it’s high time they started remembering it. Since they don’t seem inclined to remember it on their own, come Friday, we’re gonna give ’em a little friendly reminder. Come November, we’re gonna hand ’em their pink slips right before we t’row da bums out! ‘Nuff said!

Well, a little more needs to be said:

Trees have standing and other roots of madness

I think that I shall never see a person so lovely as a tree. That’s right, you heard me. A tree can be accorded legal standing as a person according to our very own beloved Supreme Court. But children in the womb are not have no such claim to personhood as decided by that very same court. Don’t believe me? Read about this Supreme Court case, the Sierra Club vs. Morton, in which Justice Wm. O. Douglas wrote the following:

The ordinary corporation is a “person” for purposes of the adjudicatory processes, whether it represents proprietary, spiritual, aesthetic, or charitable causes…So it should be as respects valleys, alpine meadows, rivers, lakes, estuaries, beaches, ridges, groves of trees, swampland, or even air that feels the destructive pressures of modern technology and modern lifeContinue reading “Trees have standing and other roots of madness”