We are in a spiritual war

Update, October 31, 2020: I want to emphasize this important related post from the past. And if you do a search on the web, you’ll also find that there is a renewed effort to curse the President this Halloween, right before the election on November 3, 2020. Please pray. Pray like never before for each other, for our President and for our country. Amen!

+JMJ+ I’ve written about this before. We are in a war. We have been for thousands and thousands of years, but we are in a particularly intense war right now and it is primarily spiritual. So when people tell us that we should keep religion and spiritual things out of the public, political conversation, they either don’t know any better or they do know exactly what they’re doing: trying to keep us from doing the one thing necessary to win this war: identifying exactly who our enemy is and doing what we need to do to defeat him. 

Continue reading “We are in a spiritual war”

Divine Mercy and Rosary today beginning at 3pm CDT

+JMJ+ In lieu of a Father’s Day post I’m inviting any and all concerned Catholic Christians to join me in praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, followed by the Rosary on Sunday, June 21, 2020, on Twitter, in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for all the offenses committed throughout the world today. There may be some witches, satanists, luciferians, and others gathering together today in various cities in an attempt to cast spells to accomplish their twisted agenda (marxist, globalist, sick). I’m not going to link to their pages but a search of the web or social media should turn up something.

Continue reading “Divine Mercy and Rosary today beginning at 3pm CDT”

Six talks about Catholics and the New Age

Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, giving the homily at the EWTN Chapel.
Continue reading “Six talks about Catholics and the New Age”

To end the culture of death, pray the Rosary and Chaplet

I’ve been praying the Rosary using the Five Special Intentions given by Pope St. John Paul II, for use with the Divine Mercy chaplet, for several months. Those intentions are aimed at ending abortion and the whole culture of death. I began adding them to the Rosary threads on Twitter (see the Rosary Project on this site) back when the pro-abortion crowd ramped up their demonic efforts to ram barbaric legislation through in a push that has been more aggressive than any we’ve ever seen in this country. (Links at the end of this post.)

Continue reading “To end the culture of death, pray the Rosary and Chaplet”

Warrior and Queen of the Angels

I watched a video about the Blessed Virgin Mary and I want to share it one with you: Mary is a Warrior Queen battling the Dragon, by Bishop Robert Barron, referring to The Woman in Revelation 12 and promised in Genesis 3:15. The video is less than 13 minutes long and well worth the time it takes to watch. (Video below, links are at the end of this post.)

Continue reading “Warrior and Queen of the Angels”

The Age of Mary and the Anti-Mary

This week I bought three books by Carrie Gress. Tonight’s post is about her book, The Marian Option (link to the book at the end of this post). I haven’t read it yet (so many books, so little effective time management on my part) but I have watched some of her interviews about it. Below see her appearance on Women of Grace in February 2019.

Continue reading “The Age of Mary and the Anti-Mary”

Catholic History, Dispelling the Myths, a video by Dr. Thomas F. Madden


If the ignorant rantings of certain people–especially the recent and most ignorant ranting of a certain ignorant politician–have accomplished nothing else, at least they have brought attention to a subject that has suffered from lack of attention; or when it has garnered attention, the motive has most often been that of ill will, and rather than spreading light, has instead increased the darkness, already pervasive enough, even in Catholic circles. Perhaps especially in Catholic circles. That darkness and ignorance is partly our own fault for not taking it upon ourselves to dig and learn, and to demand that our teachers actually teach, and teach the truth; and partly the fault of a culture that has produced an education (I use the term loosely) system that both distrusts and even hates Holy Mother Church.

(Post continues below the video.)

The video above is a lecture by Dr. Thomas F. Madden, entitled “Catholic History: Dispelling the Myths.” He talks about the Crusades and much more. As Dr. Madden reveals, we Catholics have much of which we should be proud. This is not revisionist history; this is sweeping away the absurdities of the revisionists who foisted a great hoax upon us instead of teaching us real history. Listen up, Catholics. Seek the truth, find it, embrace it, hold onto it. And share it with everyone you can. Share it with your family, your friends, and share it with other Catholics. We need to know these things. We need to stand up and speak out. We need to be able to defend our Faith and our Church, now more than ever. Or, perhaps, now as ever. The Church is always under attack from her ancient enemy, her adversary and ours, who never sleeps, who goes about seeking whom he may devour.

St Teresa de Jesus

I am going to continue to post information and links and videos here often in order to help spread the good news about our Faith and our Holy Mother Church. This is the least I can do after all the Church has done for me, which is to completely change my life, to transform it, to bring me fully into the Body of Christ, and welcome me Home. One day I want to be able to say, at last, with St. Teresa, “I am a daughter of the Church.” May it be His Will. Amen, amen!

Been a long time, been a long time

Been a long time since I’ve posted here. Yes, I’m still alive. Yes, the blog is still alive. In my mind, anyway, even if I haven’t posted in a while. A death in the family and tending to family matters left me with not much time or energy for writing here or anywhere else. But things are getting better and I hope to be back to at least semi-regular writing and blogging soon.

The Battle of Lepanto

In the meantime tomorrow is a very special day for me: the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. If you aren’t familiar with the story of the Battle of Lepanto and the role of the rosary and the Blessed Virgin Mary in that battle, you can read more here and here.

Thank you for reading. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit. God bless you! :)

God’s Marines Leave No Souls Behind

Want to do something special during this Year of Faith? Want to help bring souls to Christ? Join The Four Men Prayer Groups, also known as God’s Marines. This world is a battlefield between the forces of good and evil and God’s Marines pledge to leave no soul behind on that field. Watch the video below. Get more information and sign up today at The Four Men.

The Four Men

Bishops call for novena for culture of life

Just saw this on EWTN Live: the bishops of the USCCB have called for a simple novena, “Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage” toward a culture of life. The novena will be from January 19-27, 2013. You can sign up for e-mail or text updates and get more information at the USCCB website. I think it’s a great idea. The battle we are in must be waged at the spiritual level and we need to pray together to defeat our common ancient enemy.


St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

God bless you.

We had forgotten about spiritual warfare but we have now been reminded

Note: This post, originally written in 2012, is no less relevant now than it was then. If we put our hope in the fallen world and our fallen brothers and sisters in it, we are bound to be disappointed and worse. Politicians cannot save us.

“Put not your trust in princes: In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation.” –Ps 146:2-3

“The world’s thy ship and not thy home.” –attributed to St. Thérèse of Lisieux

+JMJ+ Was I surprised by what happened on Election Day? Nope. Am I depressed or in deep despair over the results? No way. I saw it coming in 2008 and I saw it coming in 2012. Do I think we have a huge and serious problem? Oh, yeah, I do. But I think our problem stems more from the fact that we live in a fallen world and the fact that we are a stiff-necked people, much like the ancient Hebrews of the Bible, than the failing of one political party or another. No, the failure was ours. We the people. More particularly, we the Catholic people.

Continue reading “We had forgotten about spiritual warfare but we have now been reminded”

Vote, Resources to Help You Form and Vote Your Catholic Conscience

The election grows nearer but I still hear some Catholics say that they have not yet decided who to vote for. So I put together a short page of resources to help you vote your Catholic conscience. Sadly, many have not yet formed their consciences, and many Catholics do not even know what that means. The Vote page will help you begin. First, start learning your faith (this is the Year of Faith, after all)! Then live it. Everywhere. Yes, in the voting booth, too. If we don’t do everything as Catholic Christians, then our faith is so much wind, as in, hot air.

Resources to Help You Form and Vote Your Catholic Conscience so you can LIVE your faith.