50,000 words and I’m ready for my nap now, Mr DeMille

Done, done and DONE! 50,000 words in just under 30 days. And that’s amazing considering that I pulled my shoulder blade muscle a few days ago and couldn’t write or do much of anything except howl in pain. Until today. This afternoon I grabbed the laptop, started to write like the wind, and didn’t stop until I crossed the finish line. That means I wrote about 4,000 words today, in case you wondered. What did I win, you ask? This:


Woohoo! I be slayin’ dragons! I’d love to get one of the Winner T-shirts, but apparently T-shirt makers these days think all women are skinny. Well, we ain’t. But NaNoWriMo laptop bags look pretty cool. Maybe Santa will bring me one. A girl can always dream, can’t she? (Why not? After all, I’m dreaming I’m a girl instead of a middle-aged woman. Unless there’s a senior citizen discount somewhere. Then I’m all for admitting I’m somewhat older than middle-aged. How much older? None of your business. Smarty pants.)

Thanks for reading and I hope you had a great and blessed Thanksgiving, and that your own writing (or whatever you might be working on) is going well. Now I’m off to do some much missed reading and ponder some ideas for the next draft of the novel. Oh, yeah, I’ve got plenty of work to do on it yet. But first I need to put some more pain reliever stuff on my shoulder. All that writing about spaceship battles and crashes is hard on a person. Maybe I should stop acting out what I’m writing. Maybe I need to train these dawgs to help out around here more. More. As in, at all. Maybe I can get back to blogging on topic about Catholicism soon. That’d be awesome. ;)

Taking a breather from NaNoWriMo

Truer words were never sputtered between gulps of steaming hot coffeeMy NaNoWriMo word count is already at 31,167 out of the goal of 50,000 (target for today was 30,000) and that gives me some breathing room. So I’m taking some time to ponder the mysteries of the universe. Some things I’ve wondered along the way:

  • If Christ is the King of the whole universe, then isn’t He the Savior of everybody on every world?
  • Do aliens suffer from original sin or just humans?
  • Do humans exist on other planets already?
  • Would they look like us?
  • What if there are beings a lot like us on the other side of the galaxy?
  • How long would it take for us to find them? Or for them to find us?
  • What if they already did…and they’re as surprised as we are?

I wasn’t kidding about those mysteries of the universe. And that’s not even the half of it! But if I say any more, you’ll know too much and then I’ll have to…you know. You’ll just have to wait for the book. Or the movie. Oh, don’t I wish?! Why, yes, I do, actually. ;)

Thanks for reading and may the peace of Christ be with you always. Back to working on the novel now. Or do some dreaming. (Same thing, really.) ;)

Writing a Novel with Story Bible Using Scrivener and (soon) Aeon Timeline

Finally got far enough along (21,055 words!) in creating the story world in Scrivener that I needed to start the Story Bible. Now I will finally have need of Aeon Timeline. Bought it a while back knowing I didn’t need it yet but would eventually. Eventually is now. Or pretty soon, anyway, but probably not until after NaNoWriMo so I won’t scramble my brain while I’m working on the rough draft. :)

Scrivener: Write Any Way You Want To
Scrivener lets me write the way I want to
Scrivener lets me write the way I want to. Which means bouncing all over the place when I realize I need to change something in one place that also means I need to change something somewhere else. And that gives me another idea which changes another idea and leads to yet another one. See? All over the place. Not easy with one long document. A cinch with Scrivener. Work in one document if you prefer. Or do like I do and break it up in as many different ways as you like. Scrivener makes doing your Story Bible easy too. You may not always need that but sometimes you may. At my current level of development for this project I definitely want one. Worlds, races and religions, oh my! I shudder at the thought of keeping all those ideas in my goofy little brain or on one long page of scribbled notes.

Here’s a screenshot of the novel in Scrivener, edited to keep secrets, well, secret. This image is much reduced. Click on it for the full size image in all its (redacted) glory. ;)

The novel thus far

With everything I’ve written in Scrivener I’ve used a different setup. I start a project in the simplest way with hardly any folders. (Notice the folder for Unused Scenes, ones I want to use but haven’t figured out where they go yet. I sometimes name this folder Unordered Scenes.) But as the work evolves so does my workspace. I also keep a database outside Scrivener in DEVONthink Pro Office. I try to keep mostly simple text files in Scrivener along with a few images. This keeps the project slim and backups fast. Autosave is set in Preferences to every 2 seconds of inactivity, backups to when I close the project and to save to Dropbox, I manually backup to a folder on my laptop (which my Airport Time Capsule backs up automatically for me every day).

Aeon Timeline: Untangle Those Storylines

Here is an interesting looking post about using Scrivener and Aeon Timeline by a published author who uses both. (I know nothing about the author or his books having only just discovered him, but I’m enjoying his post and blog, and have just begun watching one of his many videos on writing.)

Keep those storylines untangled

More than just a timeline: Track all the information that matters

“Aeon Timeline is more than a series of events on a never ending line. With Aeon, you can divide your timeline into logical groups, projects, or concurrent arcs. You can model the relationships between events and people, places and ideas. Aeon calculates people’s ages for you. And you can link your events with research material such as external files or images that can be displayed inside the application.” I cheated and copied this from the website. I  haven’t used it enough to say anything intelligent about it yet except I think it will help me keep from getting overwhelmed. I’ll let you know how that goes. :)

Thanks for reading. I hope some of this was helpful. Now back to writing. Right after a late lunch. (The dawgs are finally asleep and I hate to wake them up, but I’m starving! All this novel-writing and blog-posting is hard work, ya know!) Peace be with you! :)

Word count update and a bit of NaNoWriMo advice

If I had the energy I'd dance just like thisA few moments ago I passed the 20,000 word mark on my NaNoWriMo novel. Woohoo! I am doing the Snoopy happy dance. Okay, I haven’t actually moved, I’m still sitting here with the laptop in my lap, typing this post. But in my mind I am so doing the Snoopy happy dance. (The mere thought of really doing that makes me tired. But imagining it? Hey, I’m a writer, I can imagine it just fine. But there, a graphical type image so I don’t even have to imagine it. Well, I still have to imagine ME moving like that…Nope, can’t do it. Not even in my writerly imagination.)

So much for the update, now for the advice. I’ll keep it short and simple: Trust the process. You’ve been telling stories your whole life. Sometimes they’ve been whoppers. Sometimes you’ve embellished and honed the telling of your story until you are proud of your little creative self. You may even practice telling it to the dogs. (My dogs give me distinct looks of “Not again!” and “Will there be bribes, er, treats this time?” and often sigh out loud when I hone my craft on their captive flappy ears, which is too often, I suspect. And surprisingly difficult to say.)

National Novel Writing Month Because We Are Insane!My point being, you know how to tell a story so tell it already! And once you start telling a story, all sorts of other stories will occur to you, so jot those down and get back to your story. This story. The one you’re writing for NaNoWriMo. You can do this. Believe me, if I can, you can. So, go. Now. Go write! (So much for short, huh?)

Thanks for reading and have fun writing whatever it is you’re writing. And if you’re not writing for NaNoWriMo or any other reason, then bless your heart, you might be one of the sane ones. Peace be with you. :)

What a journey that was, Camp NaNoWriMo WIN, WOOHOO

2014-Winner-Facebook-ProfileAnother session of Camp NaNoWriMo is winding down and I just validated my word count. WIN! WOOHOO! But the best part is that just now, today, moments ago, I opened a new document in Scrivener and started typing up what I know about the setting, the characters, their relationships, their goals, the forces (or what-have-you) keeping them attaining those goals, and suddenly I felt like I knew where the story was going. I am beginning to know these characters, they are becoming real, deeper, fleshed out, alive. I’ve had glimmers of that before while developing this story. But those glimmers would appear and tantalize me, then fade away.

So annoying!

But I kept working on it — and taking breaks from it to do other things (read, play with the dogs, stargaze, watch shows like Sherlock and The Last Ship, play with the new slow cooker while teaching myself to cook — my favorite kitchen gadget is my iPad, don’t know what I would do without it). Looking at this latest version, I can see elements of earlier versions of the story, but I think this one is going to work much better than any of those. Hope renewed! I may just get this story written yet! And then there’s the wee matter of publication but that’s still down the road. Waaaay down the road. Still have a lot of work to do, but I’m excited about it. Thrilled, actually. Yay! Thanks for reading and I hope you’re enjoying whatever project you are (or aren’t) working on. Peace be with you! :)

Progress Meter

Got the novel word count validated, WIN!

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2014 Winner!Got the Camp NaNoWriMo novel word count validated just a few minutes ago: 52,065 for a win! Yes! Now the next phase of novel-writing work begins. (Hey, how many phases is this thing going through, anyway, huh? Sheesh!)

Progress Meter

See Other Writing for badges and meters from past NaNoWriMo events.

Nightly Update, Camp NaNoWriMo Day 21, WOOHOO!

Sleepy eyes, I has themWOOHOO! Did it! Finis! The End! Caput! Well, not exactly. Validation at Camp NaNoWriMo doesn’t begin until Friday, April 25, but that’s not gonna stop me from whoopin’ and hollerin’ around here for all of another two or three minutes tonight–until I pass out from exhaustion, that is. Tired, sleepy eyes, I has them.

That’s it for tonight, I really am going to turn off the computer and crawl into bed with the dogs and get some much needed rest. Of course, if I happen to dream a scene or two, I’ll have my phone and iPad by the bed, so I can capture any bits of brilliantness that might otherwise disappear into the night.

Thanks for reading and I hope your Easter season continues to be blessed and filled with graces. Peace be with you! :)

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: A little over 2K. Total: 50K.

Nightly Update, Camp NaNoWriMo Day 20

Locked! Oh no!Okay, so I went to the evening Mass at my parish and I got there early so I could prepare, you know, evening prayer, rosary, look over the readings of the day, but I noticed that there were no other cars around and I thought, Ruh roh, I’ll bet they only had Mass this morning, I’ll check and see if the door is locked, and it was. (Deep breath.) So I got back in the car and looked at the clock and got out my phone (remembered to take it this time and it’s a good thing!) and checked the website of the next closest parish (which is NOT close, lemme tell ya, well, actually, the next closest had started their Mass at 5pm so that didn’t help, so I had to go to the next next closest parish), and there was an evening service at that one, it’s big because it’s closer to the city, but that means it’s far away from where I live and far away from my parish. So I lead-footed it, er, I mean, I casually non-chalantly and oh-so-very-slowly–alright, alright, I lead-footed it all the way to that 6pm Mass. And got there with a few minutes to spare and found a parking place near the front door.

I almost passed out in the parking lot from the shock.

After Camp NaNoWriMo is over, I promise I’ll get back to writing something for the blog, I will, no, I mean it, something about one of the gazillion books I’ve been reading. About some of the issues facing us as Catholics. Something!

Thank you for visiting and I hope you had a happy Easter and that your Easter season will be blessed and grace-filled. Peace be with you! :)

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: Under 2K. Total: A little less than 48K. Woohoo!

Look at this photo gallery from the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. No wonder they call that place “the Rome of the West”!

EWTN Bookmark, 4-20-2014, “John Paul II, Man of Prayer: The Spiritual Life of a Saint”, Doug Keck interviews Joanna Bogle, British journalist, blogger, author, TV presenter.

Happy Easter! Nightly Update, Camp NaNoWriMo Day 19

He is Risen! Happy Easter, y’all! May your Easter season be blessed!

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: Under 2K. Total: 46,247. Woohoo!

Hallelujah, He is Risen!

Nightly Update, Camp NaNoWriMo Day 18

Tonight just stats and a video. I hope your Holy Week has been a blessed one. Thank you for reading. God bless you!

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: Under 2K. Total: 44,650. Woohoo!

Dr. Scott Hahn, The Fourth Cup

Nightly Update, Camp NaNoWriMo Day 17

Today I discovered some interesting textures in the story, some parallels between sets of characters, some echoes of events and experiences that are not identical but similar. I can use those to bring out different aspects, different facets of experience and meaning. It’s something I hadn’t thought of or realized before. It’s something I’d read about in a writing book a long time ago but didn’t really get. Until today when I saw it in this story. Love when that happens. :)

Thanks for dropping in, do drop in again, and may you have a blessed Good Friday.

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen – Good Friday video.

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: Over 2K. Total: 43,003. Woohoo!

(Technically I wrote another three hundred or so words after midnight so those should count for tomorrow, er, Friday instead of tonight, er last night, Thursday. Argh! Brain. Hurts. Must. Sleep. Soon. But not until I finish getting another idea down and back up the project on Dropbox. And the Time Capsule. I know some people back up every few weeks or every few days. But I back up my work several times a day and the Time Capsule has its own schedule that I don’t even have to think about.)

Nightly Update, Camp NaNoWriMo Day 16

I was going to spend the day with pad and pen, or iPad and stylus. Did that happen? No, it didn’t happen. I spent the day reading and watching videos instead. Not just any old reading and not just watching any videos either. It was all novel-related. Well, most of it was. Okay, some of it was. But I also spent some time working on my beat sheet and I think that is really going to pay off. :)

Bishop Sheen is a man after my own heart, he really tells it like it is!

Thank you for reading and God bless you! :)

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: Under 2K. Total: 40,333. Woohoo!