A Few Words and Anotha Cuppa Series, TOC, Annotated

A Few Words and Anotha Cuppa is an occasional series focused sometimes and more often than not casual, informal, a little ranting or a simple stroll down memory lane (mostly but not always) in a stream of consciousness, rambling kind of way.

A few words and anotha cuppa: A rambling ramble about books, binge-watching sci-fi on TV, my favorite Bibles and a nice cup of tea. First post in the occasional series, which needs no real occasion to spring forth from my flighty little mind and fidgety little fingers and onto the screen. June 6, 2019.

I really don’t know how to pray: The Lord and I had a talk. I share it here. (Also appears in the Poetry Corner.) June 10, 2019

A few words, a cuppa and anotha: A couple of personal updates and something I found on the web about Christians, even Catholic religious who should know better, falling for Reiki. I asked for people to share any accounts they may have of their brushes with Reiki or about any religious they know who are into it. (No names or personal details, please, just what kind of order they’re in and any anecdotes you care to share). June 26, 2019

Our First Cuppa Together in 2020: We’ve talked about conversion before and I mentioned that I gave up my New Age ways, and I think I mentioned astrology. I gave it up, not because it doesn’t work (that’s a topic for a whole other blog post), but because Holy Mother Church said to. But I didn’t give it up right away. Now this is not a post about astrology or my past obsession with it, but about the fact that becoming Catholic changes us. It must change us, the deep down us, and that takes time. February 4, 2020

(More than) a few words and anotha cuppa: What it’s like to live with sarcoidosis and also how it’s similar in some ways to COVID-19. Only similar, I know COVID-19 is far worse. April 6, 2020

A few words and another cuppa, let’s talk a while: About why you should or shouldn’t listen to me. After all, who the heck am I? Nobody special. April 20, 2020

Weekly series on the soul, Part 23, does double duty with Anotha cuppa with some over-lapping of categories and themes. June 4, 2020

Anotha cuppa and some Rosary art: I want to share with you some words about a painting you may have seen if you’ve watched the Rosary led by Mother Angelica on EWTN. Includes a short verse inspired by the painting. June 22, 2020

Anotha cuppa and some new used books: This is the first rambling ramble of the new year. Just sitting by the virtual fireside, looking through some of my new used books, with a side of videos about St. Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross). January 10, 2022

Anotha cuppa and a few words, our first cuppa of 2023: I was searching for info on the Magi (there’s a pun to be made there but I’m not making it) and then Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died, may he rest in peace. So I wanted to write something about him and decided to post some quotes and began another search. And discovered, yeah, he wrote about it, there’s a BOOK he wrote about it and it’s been in my Verbum library for I don’t know how long.

Anotha cuppa and a few words about Catholic art: I’ve been reading The Complementarity of Women and Men: Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, and Art, edited by Paul Vitz, and it’s so good! I’ll have plenty to write about after this one. In this post I want to tell you about an essay in it by Elizabeth Lev, about the women of Michelangelo and I’ll share one of her videos on that, too.

Anotha cuppa and a few words about the time I recited the Creed in a coffee shop: I was talking with a young man about religion and he siad he didn’t know what he believed. He asked if i did. Then he asked what I believe. And did I ever have an answer!

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