Watch out for those wolves!

With apologies to wolves in nature everywhere.

I can’t get this film off of my mind. Ever since watching EWTN’s and Arcadia Film’s newest, A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing II, it’s almost all I can think about. (I say almost because I do have other projects that are still there in my mind: the Weekly Series On the Soul, Re-Reading the New Age, undertaking a first stufy of the Spanish Civil War, learning about Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School, among others.) 

Continue reading “Watch out for those wolves!”

Mary is the Antidote for This Crisis of Womanhood

Mary is the antidote for the crisis of womanhood we find ourselves facing. The Marian Option is not like the many other options being written about now, based on saints and noble persons. Because Mary is not like any other saint or noble person. Mary is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, Full of Grace, Mother of Mercy, the Queen Mother of the King of the Universe. Those are some pretty important titles. And Mary is a pretty important Woman. (Ahem. That’s a deliberate echo of the Woman in Genesis, the Gospel of John, and the Apocalypse, also by John, the Beloved Disciple. More on that in posts about another book, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary.)

“God really sends the antidote to the problem of each era…What we’re really facing in the culture today is a crisis of womanhood, so in light of that it makes perfect sense that our Lady would be the antidote to that. Those who have devotion to her, who are striving to be like her, would be the ones that can renew the culture based on the kinds of destruction we’re seeing in western civilization.”

Carrie Gress on Women of Grace. (1) talking about her book, the Marian Option. (2)

Watch the video here on the blog for the rest of that interview. Other links follow the end of this post.

Continue reading “Mary is the Antidote for This Crisis of Womanhood”

The Age of Mary and the Anti-Mary

This week I bought three books by Carrie Gress. Tonight’s post is about her book, The Marian Option (link to the book at the end of this post). I haven’t read it yet (so many books, so little effective time management on my part) but I have watched some of her interviews about it. Below see her appearance on Women of Grace in February 2019.

Continue reading “The Age of Mary and the Anti-Mary”

2012, Our Defining Moment, Important Webcast Event

Dear Friends, I just heard from Shawn Carney and David Bereit of the national 40 Days for Life leadership team, and I am VERY excited about what they shared with me:

In 2012 — the 40th year of legalized abortion in America — we have unprecedented opportunities to save lives, impact eternal souls, and restore our nation … And you are invited to attend a one-time-only teleconference and web simulcast event this Tuesday night, April 24, at 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific) that will reveal how the rest of this year can be a DEFINING MOMENT for our efforts to end abortion. During the FREE event (which you can attend by phone or via the web) you’ll discover:

The stunning results of this spring’s 40 Days for Life — the most successful campaign EVER — and how these accomplishments point to even bigger victories in the months ahead … Why the rest of 2012 is crucially important, and how the pro-life movement is positioned to achieve massive, life-saving success on multiple fronts … The groundbreaking strategic initiatives about to be unleashed to help mobilize more people, change more hearts and minds, and save more lives than ever before … How YOU can help make a profound impact on ending abortion, right in the community where you live … and some exciting surprises!

This is the great news we’ve been waiting for, and there’s no charge to attend — however there are limited spaces available, so REGISTER NOW at:

On that page, you’ll also see a short, three-minute video that Shawn and David made for us at the U.S. Supreme Court, explaining what’s about to happen. This is going to be GREAT, and I hope you can join me on the teleconference or web simulcast Tuesday night!

For Life,


Did you know that there is a connection between the Divine Mercy Devotion and abortion?

Divine Mercy

Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know about it. I’ve been sharing this message with people since the fall of 2009 when I first read about it and no one I’ve talked to has ever heard of it before I told them. There is an explicit link between the message given to Saint Faustina, the Devotion to the Divine Mercy, and the sin of abortion. I had read the Diary, Divine Mercy in my Soul, and I didn’t remember seeing it. But it’s there. And there is a special Apostolic Blessing from Pope John Paul II for those who pray the Chaplet to end abortion, and also five special intentions to be used. Did you know any of that?

See the Divine Mercy and Abortion page, added tonight, March 1 2012. And, please, share this with your friends, family and priests! All Catholics should know this!

Man who stole our banner returned it today

40 Days for Life: Pray to End AbortionGod is so good and He definitely works in mysterious ways. This afternoon while I was at the prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthhod, a young man walked up to one of us and handed her a 40 Days for Life vigil banner (and those things aren’t cheap!). He told her that he stole it from us a while back, but had been thinking a lot about abortion since then. And that his ideas have changed a lot now.

Praise God and please keep this young man in your prayers, that God, Who is working in this man’s life, may bring him to the joy of conversion of mind and heart. Glory to God in the highest! His Mercy endures forever!

Sanger’s Pivot of Civilization, Grant’s Grand Illusion, the Legacy of Planned Parenthood

Read Planned Parenthood’s founder, eugenicist Margaret Sanger, in her own words in Pivot of Civilization, which you can download for free in various formats from Project Gutenberg. (I was so disappointed to see that H. G. Wells wrote the Introduction for Pivot. I hadn’t known that he was a eugenicist.) And be sure to read Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood. Available in PDF or HTML. I’m still reading these and they’re both on my list to review.

Pivot of Civilization by eugenicist Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood Grand Illusions: Legacy of Planned Parenthood

The U.S. really is not the champion of the underdog any more, Hospital Rejects Baby Joseph

The U.S. really isn’t the champion of the underdog any more. I was hoping that a hospital here would take in ;Baby Joseph and his distraught parents and help them. All they want is a tracheotomy for him and to allow him to die at home with them. The hospital in Canada thinks he is going to die anyway. And what do they do?

“[T]he hospital’s saying the surgery is too risky so instead they’ll just remove life support and let him die. So…what happens if the tracheotomy fails? He might die. So to avoid the possibility of death the hospital is going to ensure death.”

Pray for Baby Joseph and his family!

Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. And if you have any connections to anyone who can do something, please help them!

U.S. Hospital Rejects Baby Joseph, Family Not Giving Up Hope |

Exposing Planned Parenthood, Good, Saul Alinsky, Not Good

Last night I wrote a post about LiveAction and the Saul Alinsky book they recommended, Rules for Radicals. I have to admit, even after reading Why Live Action did right and why we all should know that by Dr. Peter Kreeft, I still object to Alinsky’s ideas and to anyone in the pro-life movement using them. Continue reading “Exposing Planned Parenthood, Good, Saul Alinsky, Not Good”

Of LiveAction’s Acts of Lying and Playing by the Rules of Radical Organizer Saul Alinsky

There’s been talk on the internet and in some of the media recently about the tactics being used by Lila Rose and her group, LiveAction, “a new-media movement for life!” As glad as I am to see Planned Parenthood exposed for the morally bankrupt organization they are, I’m not proud to see anyone on the pro-life side use morally questionable tactics to achieve this much-desired goal. After all, the ends do not justify the means. I am also loathe to see anyone using tactics recommended by the reprehensible Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals, which is one long diatribe against morality if ever there was one. But perhaps this is not surprising given that until just a few months ago, LiveAction was recommending Alinsky’s book on their website. Continue reading “Of LiveAction’s Acts of Lying and Playing by the Rules of Radical Organizer Saul Alinsky”

A strategy for winning the spiritual combat

St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil...In my most recent post, I wrote about the spiritual war against the culture of death, drawing from a talk on spiritual warfare by Dr. John Cuddeback of the Institute of Catholic Culture. Dr. Cuddeback himself draws upon others in his talk: Saint Paul, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Fr. Edward Leen, Pope John Paul II. Tonight I read an article by Dr. Peter Kreeft, The Winning Strategy at The Integrated Catholic Life website. Continue reading “A strategy for winning the spiritual combat”

Who is to blame for the culture of death?

Christ is the True Manna from HeavenWho is to blame for the culture of death? Not atheists or progressives or democrats or republicans or pro-choice advocates. No, according to Dr. John Cuddeback in his talk, Spiritual Warfare: The Battle for Life in a Culture of Death, we Christians have no one to blame but ourselves. For we have forgotten who we are. We have forgotten to put on the mind of Christ. We have forgotten how to pray. We have forgotten that prayer is necessary to the life of the Christian. We have forgotten that the Eucharist, the highest form of prayer, is absolutely necessary to the life of the Christian. Prayer and reception of divine grace in the sacraments is not optional, not something extraneous to the Christian way of life but is absolutely central to it. Continue reading “Who is to blame for the culture of death?”