Of LiveAction’s Acts of Lying and Playing by the Rules of Radical Organizer Saul Alinsky

There’s been talk on the internet and in some of the media recently about the tactics being used by Lila Rose and her group, LiveAction, “a new-media movement for life!” As glad as I am to see Planned Parenthood exposed for the morally bankrupt organization they are, I’m not proud to see anyone on the pro-life side use morally questionable tactics to achieve this much-desired goal. After all, the ends do not justify the means. I am also loathe to see anyone using tactics recommended by the reprehensible Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals, which is one long diatribe against morality if ever there was one. But perhaps this is not surprising given that until just a few months ago, LiveAction was recommending Alinsky’s book on their website. Continue reading “Of LiveAction’s Acts of Lying and Playing by the Rules of Radical Organizer Saul Alinsky”

Prolife group removes Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals from recommended book list

Back in February of this year I removed the links to LiveAction.org from my site because they listed Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky on their recommended books page. And when I contacted LiveAction via email and carried on a brief correspondence with their director of media, he insisted that they had thoroughly vetted the book and still wanted to recommend it. And, worse, he said that they used many of its methods. (:O) After a few exchanges wherein I expressed to him that I was only more horrified after hearing from him than I was before I contacted him, I left it at that and removed their links from my links page. Over the ensuing months, I would pop in from time to time to see if the book was still listed. And it was. But tonight, Oct 5 2010, I peeked in for a look-see and the book is gone! So I’m renewing the links to LiveAction.org. See the Recommended Books section at LiveAction. Continue reading “Prolife group removes Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals from recommended book list”

Obama, Pelosi, and the (new) relationship between church and state

Recently Nancy Pelosi asked, no, told the Catholic bishops to preach from their pulpits that the immigration reform she’s pushing is “manifesting our living the Gospel“. Obama wants the faith-based initiatives to push his green initiative with the EPA. Whatever happened to the much touted separation of church and state, huh? Well, I’ll tell you what happened: it’s just another ploy from the Saul Alinsky playbook, Rules for Radicals. Continue reading “Obama, Pelosi, and the (new) relationship between church and state”

Alinsky Rules the Catholic Campaign for Radical Human Development

Michael Voris: Catholic Investigative AgencyCheck out Real Catholic TV‘s new project: Catholic Investigative Agency. First up in the series: CCHD and Alinsky! You’ll need to sign up for an account (free or premium—$10 a month— then look for the link to special programs on the right. Or use this link after you log in. You can view it online or order the DVD. Mine got  here really fast! DVD’s are just $5 each and shipping is a dollar. Get several of these and give them to your fellow parishioners.

Rules for RadicalsMost Catholics probably don’t even know who Saul Alinsky was. Or that his infiltration of the Church and corruption of priests (not all of them, just a lot of them!) was accomplished decades ago. And his legacy is still going strong—and growing! We need to let people know about this. Spread the word about the truth of Alinsky and his rules for radical priests and religious! (By the way, most of the ones who were seriously corrupted by Alinsky left the priesthood before they died. Most priests are good, devoted men and I love our priests!) Continue reading “Alinsky Rules the Catholic Campaign for Radical Human Development”

Folks who think Obama doesn’t get it, don’t get it

Rules for RadicalsI’m tired of hearing folks saying that Obama doesn’t get it, that he doesn’t understand what he’s doing, that he doesn’t see what is happening or where he is taking the country. Oh, I say, but he does. He does see what’s happening. He does know that people hate his ideas. He does know that he is wrecking our economy.

And that is exactly what he was aiming for all along. Continue reading “Folks who think Obama doesn’t get it, don’t get it”

Prolife group recommends Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Update: As of Oct 5 2010, I am renewing the links to LiveAction.org because when I went through their website just now, I found that they have removed Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals from their list of Recommended Books. (You may have noticed that the link says prolifewebsites instead of recommendedbooks. It’s an error in the coding of their page; just look down the page a short distance and you’ll see the books section.) You can read below about how upset I was when I saw that book listed there a few months back. I was upset enough to contact them and carry on a brief correspondence with their director of media. Whether they thought better of it because of our conversation (at least in part) or for some other reason, I am happy to see that awful book removed. Thank you, Lord! God is Good! :)

As of Jan 22, 2010, I removed the links to the organization LiveAction.org on the links page after emails were exchanged between myself and LiveAction’s media consultant in which they insist on using and recommending Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the methods he recommends. He pointed to a very brief one line disclaimer on the site and suggested that they might need to revise it. I cannot in good conscience continue to support this group until they repudiate Alinsky, his writings and his methods. I checked their site tonight and I notice that they have, indeed, revised and even expanded their disclaimer to Alinsky’s book recommendation, but they are far from repudiating it. This is so sad but I can’t let it slide, even if I like some of the work they are doing. Continue reading “Prolife group recommends Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals”

Saul Alinsky On Means and Ends, and the end of ethics

It’s been a while since I’ve written about Saul Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals, the apparent playbook for our brave new administration with its motto, “Change We Can Deceive In”. And I have to tell you, I’m forcing myself to do this. I’m forcing myself to open this book again and read from it because I promised you I would share with you what I had found and I’m keeping that promise. But I don’t want to. I don’t want to read any more of it. But it’s important that you know what it says. Because it’s important that you know what is going on in Washington. In our states, our cities and towns. In our colleges and universities. You have organizers in your community? Do you think that’s a good thing? Do you know that “organizer” is a code word and does not mean what you think it means? Do you know that “Change We Can Believe In” is a slogan that could have come right out the pages of Alinsky’s book?

Continue reading “Saul Alinsky On Means and Ends, and the end of ethics”

Ready to March for Life, more reviews in the works

We’re having our annual March for Life this weekend here in Birmingham (national March for Life is next weekend). I’ve been getting ready for it, ordered a sign to carry and a shirt to wear that may get here in time. If not, I’ve got others. I bought a Catholic Warrior, Defending the Faith t-shirt and a 100% Catholic t-shirt yesterday up at the EWTN gift shop. Bought a bunch of pro-life bookmarks and some signs a while back from Heritage House. My Saul Alinsky review is still in the works. I left my book bag at home today or I’d post something on it now. But I don’t want to work from memory. Suffice it to say that I’ve added more books to the reading list since the last time I posted. Added more history books and several books on evolution and atheism, including titles by Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) and Darwin (a hardback volume entitled Evolutionary Writings, containing the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.) Funny, isn’t it, how most editions these days neglect to print the full title: Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of the Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. And I finally got a copy of Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design.

Continue reading “Ready to March for Life, more reviews in the works”

Rules for radical revolutionaries, oh, excuse me, I meant community organizers

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been reading Rules for Radicals by the late Saul Alinsky. Below are quotes from Rules and some comments. This is the first in a continuing series of posts on the book, the ideology, the movement, and the state of things in the country now. Please keep all this in mind as you listen to or read the news. And please share this with friends and family. We need to stand together and we need to know what we’re up against. Continue reading “Rules for radical revolutionaries, oh, excuse me, I meant community organizers”

NEA recommends Saul Alinsky’s worse than left wing radical books

I am not kidding you, though I wish I were. I’ve read more than sixty pages of Rules for Radicals, despite its being pretty hard to stomach. I was searching for the answer to a question just now when I stumbled upon this from the National Education Association’s website:

An inspiration to anyone contemplating action in their community! And to every organizer! —From the NEA post, Recommended Reading: Saul Alinsky, The American Organizer (See also their related post, Organization Is…)

Continue reading “NEA recommends Saul Alinsky’s worse than left wing radical books”

Happy birthday to me, reading Saul Alinsky

Rules for RadicalsYes, it’s my mumblemumble-th birthday and I’m celebrating by drinking coffee in my NaNoWriMo Author cup (see photo below) and writing about a book I’m reading for my next novel. I’m reading several books for my next novel; Rules for Radicals, by the late Saul Alinsky, is only one of them. Why am I reading it? Am I a radical, a revolutionary? No. I even felt compelled to say as much to the clerk at the counter when I purchased my copy. Continue reading “Happy birthday to me, reading Saul Alinsky”