
  • Your Vote Matters (and does forming your conscience WELL as a Catholic BEFORE you follow it)

When I first discovered the Catholic Church, I was thrilled that it was so deep and vast, but I was overwhelmed, too. True, I was working in a Catholic bookstore, which had its advantages, but the internet was just beginning to take off and there wasn’t nearly as much available to inquirers as there is now. Back then most people weren’t even shopping Amazon yet, and I used it mostly to find out about books that people wanted to special order, but I ordered them from other vendors. How the world has changed! But the teachings of the Church have not, contrary to what some may say. Learning to think as a Catholic with the mind of the Church takes time and grace. May you find something useful in these pages to help you on your journey.

Note: I’m re-building the Resource pages. In the meantime I’m also going through and editing links where some off-site things have moved or disappeared. And changing some links that changed when I switched to a paid domain instead of a free site. I’ll announce it when the new pages are ready.

Table of Contents

As always, if you find any broken links, etc., anywhere on the site, please let me know. Thanks. And thanks for reading. God bless!

Full disclosure: When you make any purchase through my Amazon affiliate links (or my general Amazon link) on this site, I may make a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you. And thank you for your prayers and support.