40 Days for Life, God Works Wonders When We Stand Together To Pray

+JMJ On Monday and Tuesday of this week two parishes had adopted the days so the sidewalk outside the abortuary was covered with a blanket of prayer. A veritable shield of prayer. I think there were two saves that day and I witnessed one of them. Since we had so many there, volunteers were able to talk with the couple while others prayed, and a few minutes later were able to lead the couple all the way to a place where they could get real help without leaving the vigil site unattended. And did we pray! We were filled with joy as we watched the cars pull away heading to a place that welcomes and cares for life, leaving that place of darkness behind them. Praise God! We all knew that He was working mighty works before our eyes. God is so good!

Tuesday was quieter while I was there. There was a moment when a police car came up. Two girls had gone in together (one was very young and the other was older, but I’m so old now that they both looked young to me), and the older one kept coming back outside then going back in. Finally the girls came out and the police did, too. We don’t know what was going on there but we need to definitely keep both of those girls in our prayers and any other life that may be in the picture.

Later a sour-looking woman drove up, probably in her fifties, maybe older. A. approached her with a brochure and the woman told her that she was there to make a contribution to Planned Parenthood and was going to contribute every day that we were out there. A. told her very pleasantly that she was going to continue contributing to God. (Good on ya, A.) We prayed for her and I’ve added her to my ever-lengthening list of folks who show us kindness and who show us hostility during the vigil.

Wednesday was quiet the whole time I was there. One couple drove down the street slowly and parked around the corner and went in while I was walking up the street with my back to them and without me speaking to them. When I realized they were out of their car, they were nearly to the door. I felt so bad about not speaking up that I prayed that they would come back out really soon, for any reason at all, just come back out real quick and I said I promised that I would speak to them and offer them the brochure with the ultrasound coupon in it. As I prayed for them, I grabbed some brochures from the cooler.

Then, almost as soon as I finished this prayer, the door opened and they came out and walked down the steps. “Here goes,” I said. I had promised, after all, and God did send them back outside. So I offered the brochure to them but the man said, “We’re good.” So I continued praying for them. They got in their car and sat there talking for a long time. I kept walking up and down the sidewalk, praying the rosary, and sometimes I would nod in their direction, sometimes not, as I reached the corner and turned to walk the other way. They sat there a really long time and I prayed for them the whole time, pleading for them to choose life and not to have anything to do with Planned Parenthood.

At last the engine started up and the car backed out and they drove away. I don’t know what choice they were facing. But I know they left that dark place. And I know that several people are praying for them tonight because I texted some prayer warriors about them, but please keep this young couple in your own prayers, too. May they choose to welcome life into their hearts and their home, now or whenever God so pleases to grant them this gift. And may they be drawn closer and closer to our precious Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, in Whom we all move and live and have our being. Amen.

Peace be with you. You and I may not see each other out on the sidewalk but we can keep each other in our thoughts and prayers. And please pray for the couples I mentioned (and all others like them) that they may resist any pressure from those around them and the temptation to reject the beautiful gift of life! May Christ Who is the Light of the world enlighten their minds and fill their hearts with His love and joy. Forever. Amen. +JMJ+

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you, save souls!

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Image: The Holy Family of the Book, Giovan Francesco Penni, via Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

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Waste Material, Compassionate Choice and Other Lies of Our Ancient Enemy

[The following is a report from my participation in 40 Days for Life, Days 17 and 18.] Friday was abortion day at Planned Parenthood in Birmingham. On Friday afternoon the truck came to pick up what is (euphemistically, I suppose) called “waste material”. On the side of the truck it says “Protecting People. Reducing Risk.”

Protecting folks and reducing risks. Uh huh.

Ironic, isn’t it? And just a bit sickening. The most defenseless ones of all were certainly not protected and the risk they were in was neither reduced nor even acknowledged. So much for the “compassionate choice.” I’m sure you’ve heard that argument. “It’s compassionate to save a child from possible suffering.” By killing him before he even has a chance to take his first breath outside his mother’s womb? Don’t make me vomit.

Today was a quiet day on the sidewalk. The only person who stopped to talk to me today was someone who seemed familiar at the time, but I couldn’t quite place her. Until later when I remembered the first time we met. She did exactly the same thing to me today that she did that time, during the first 40 Days for Life campaign in which I ever participated back in 2009. She stopped her car in the middle of the street, rolled down her window and said, “I want to ask you a question.” Now this was simply a deception on her part because what she really wanted to do is what she proceeded to do. “Why are you encouraging women to have babies they can’t take care of? There are (blah blah blah, fill in the blank, insert your favorite non-reason here).” And it went downhill from there. She listed the same lame excuses you’ve heard over and over and no matter how many times those excuses are repeated, the repetition of them will not ever make it right to kill a baby. Not ever.

This one got me, though. “Why do you want a baby to come into this world without a daddy? There are so many people in prison now who didn’t have daddies.”

Oh, yeah, I love this one. I replied, “I didn’t have a daddy, or a mommy either. At one time, anyway. I’m adopted and I’m very glad that I’m standing here today to say this to you because someone gave me a chance. And I’m not in prison. I’ve had a wonderful life, thank you very much.”

She went on with her litany, unable to hear or think about what I’d said because she did not want to hear or think. She did not want to ask me a question or hear my answer. She wanted to feel better about some choice she made at some point in her life and she wanted to make me feel useless or worse, even terrible. But it didn’t work. I knew whose voice I was hearing. I knew that the attack was not against me. I’ve learned to recognize the voice that says these things. I’ve learned to recognize his way of acting and thinking. I’m learning what to do when I find myself suddenly face to face with him, and that is to remember that this kind can only be driven out by prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29).

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

So I did not argue with her. I did not continue the conversation with her. I told her to have a nice day and then I turned away and picked up where I had left off praying my rosary. Only I  said a special prayer for her and mentioned her (and others like her) at the beginning of the meditation on each Mystery. I don’t want to get into an argument or a yelling match with someone who is under the ancient enemy’s power. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. And I don’t want to give him an opening into my own heart and mind.

But there is one thing I wish I’d thought to tell her before she drove away this time. I wish I had told her that I’m glad she was not my mother. Maybe it’s a good thing that I didn’t think of it until later. But maybe I’ll remember it if I ever see her again.

Peace be with you and keep praying. We are making a difference and our ancient enemy is profoundly disturbed. Thanks be to God!

Abortuary Escort Shares Some Water With Prolife Prayer Group

For First Saturday I did something a little different this time. I was going to go to a 9:00 am Mass but instead I went to EWTN for the 7:00am Mass, prayed the Franciscan Crown Rosary, then had breakfast with the friars and some friends, then went to Southside to pray outside one of two abortion mills still left in Birmingham. The escort at the abortuary doesn’t like us very much and she lets us know this by calling us bullies, yelling at senior members of the prayer group to move their cars (off of the public street and down the block, which, thank goodness, they don’t have to do — they can hardly walk as it is!), and turning the sprinkler on us. (See video below or at YouTube.) She claims she is only watering the grass. Which grass is that, huh? The grass that grows outside their property? In the street? Under our feet?


[FYI: Just noticed (May 29 2019, 1:30am) that the video is not available, well, that figures. Anyway, I’ve removed the link.]

Funny thing is, she knows she’s wrong to do what she does. One of us called the police when the escort started in on the elderly couple for parking on the street (how dare they?) and she backed off of that, and, when the policeman arrived, sauntered over to the sprinkler and turned that off, too. He stayed a while talking to us, but when he left, she turned the sprinkler back on. Guess the grass only needed watering when there were no police around to witness it. But he came back a few minutes later and she casually strolled over and turned it off again. Good grief. But we never stopped praying. We had umbrellas and raincoats. Because she does this every time. And because we know that we can’t let a little water in our faces stop us from doing what is right: Praying to end abortion and the culture of death in our world. Amen!

And the real irony of this? One of these workers has a blog called “Prolifers are bullies”, I kid you not. Who’s the bully here, I ask you? Oy ve.

Abby Johnson and Live Action’s Lila Rose Join Forces Against Planned Parenthood

Holy unCaped Crusaders, Batman! The author of unPlanned (the story of how Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director, was converted to the pro-life movement–and ultimately, the Catholic Church!–by participating in an ultrasound-guided abortion) has joined forces with LiveAction, the group that has been working for years to Expose Planned Parenthood and has made quite a stir with the release of several undercover sting videos making the news and putting the government-funded organization on the run in recent days.

Abby Johnson joins forces Live Action, Abby is seen here with LA's Lila Rose

Abby will be taking on the role of Chief Research Strategist! Read the post on LiveAction’s blog and on Jill Stanek’s blog. Please keep all of these courageous pro-life workers and warriors in your prayers. Look out, sleazy corrupt abortion empire! You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!!

Planned Parenthood is trying to silence prosecutor, Webcast tonight, Feb 15

Planned Parenthood is facing its worst nightmare right now and is trying to ruin one of its most “dangerous” opponents. Read this post from Jill Stanek and join the live webcast @ 9pm ET tonight to learn more!

Breaking, webcast tonight: How Planned Parenthood is trying to silence 1st prosecutor to ever file criminal charges against it.

Join the live webcast @ 9pm ET tonight.

March for Life in Birmingham on January 15

On January 15th we’ll be marching for life again. This will be my third march in Birmingham. I went to the one in Washington, D.C., last year and loved it. I don’t think I can swing such a big trip this time, maybe next year. Gonna do the one in B’ham, though. The march begins with Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Paul downtown at 9 a.m. Then we’ll gather at Brother Bryan Park on Southside at 10:45 a.m. for more prayer, singing, and to listen to a few speakers before the march proper begins.


Read more about the March for Life in Birmingham, Jan 15 2011.
Read more about the March for Life in Washington, D.C, Jan 24 2011.
View some photos I took at last year’s march in D.C.

40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil to End Abortion, Fall 2010 Campaign

40 Days for Life: Pray to End Abortion40 Days for Life, fall 2010 campaign, is in full swing across the country and elsewhere around the globe too. The vigil, which includes prayer and fasting to end abortion, began last week on Sep 22 and continues through Oct 31. We’ve had several people change their minds about abortions at our vigil site outside Planned Parenthood (good grief, is that ever a misnomer). We’ve also dealt with some pretty intense hostility. Continue reading “40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil to End Abortion, Fall 2010 Campaign”

How often do doctors predict problems and urge abortions

The doctor told the parents to abort her“The doctor told me my baby was deformed and couldn’t survive. He told me the merciful thing to do was to abort.” “My wife called me at work. She was devastated. She had an ultrasound and the doctor told her he could see that the baby had so many problems, there was no way it could live a normal, healthy life. The doctor and his nurse told her she should terminate the pregnancy.” “My baby was supposed to have Downs Syndrome. My doctor assumed I’d want an abortion.” “My life was a mess. I was on so many drugs, alcohol…Then I found out I was pregnant. The doctor was furious when I refused to abort my baby. He said my baby would suffer from drug addiction like me and that just wasn’t fair to the child.” Continue reading “How often do doctors predict problems and urge abortions”

Not another one of those places, scenes from the sidewalk

Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center, exterior viewI was standing on the sidewalk, peering through the viewfinder on my camera, taking some exterior shots of Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center downtown. A young man passed by and stopped to see what I was doing. He glanced across the street and his shoulders visibly slumped. Continue reading “Not another one of those places, scenes from the sidewalk”

None of my business, say what?

She stood in the parking lot outside Planned Parenthood, talking with us (40 Days for Life vigil participants). She was trying to convince us, herself, somebody, that abortion was nobody’s business but the person making the decision. “It’s between them and their God,” she said.

What God is that, I wondered. Continue reading “None of my business, say what?”