Mysteries of the Rosary in Art Series TOC

This series is part of the Rosary Project.

Part 1, April 17, 2023: Rosary Project, the Art: A new series begins. In this post I say a lot of nothing and prove that I know nothing about the art I’ve been collecting for the Rosary threads on Twitter. Sigh.

Part 2, April 24, 2023: The Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald in which I spare you my stumbling saying profound things like, “Here be a painting,” and such like by sharing a video by someone who knows what she’s talking about.

Part 3, May 1, 2023: St. Joseph Edition, in honor of St. Joseph the Worker, optional memorial, but also St. Joseph in general. I only shared a few images of him but I do have more for another post sometime. Of special note in this post is the Devil’s Mousetrap, which I never heard of until I was deciding on images for this post.

Annotated Table of Contents for all series.