I can see clearly now

+JMJ+ (This week our informal series, What is Christianity, continues.) I wear glassess. When I was younger, before the days of plastic lighter weight lenses, I wore thick glass glasses. They were heavy, too. But without them I couldn’t see two feet in front of me. My third-grade teacher had observed that I couldn’t see the chalkboard at school so I had to move my desk right up next to the board when an assignment required reading it. That was embarrassing. But that same teacher told my parents about my poor vision and that’s how I got my first pair of glasses. What a difference they made. And not just in the classroom. I was amazed at all the things I could see now. Is this the way it had been all this time? I never knew!

That’s what discovering Catholicism was like. It was just as life-changing as getting those glasses way back in third grade. I was able to see things around me as they really were and understand what was right and what was wrong about them. Some things I had felt or intuited or suspected were right or wrong, but now, with the teachings of the Church set before me, and with the grace received in the sacraments, I could begin to understand these things and nore, perceive them, and start to make sense of it all. And keep learning (and not just learning, it’s deeper than that) and making more and more sense of it all.

Some of the things I began to understand more clearly were pro-life issues and the New Age. I had never thought abortion was the right thing to do but I couldn’t tell you why. And I was caught up in the glamour of the New Age for many years. I still have to watch out with that stuff. I’m susceptible to its infection so when I look at it, I have to be sure I’m being vigilant and clear-eyed and I have to limit my contact with it. Our ancient enemy is cunning and deceitful and his intellect is many times more powerful than ours. He is a fallen angel, after all, so we have to be very careful when dealing with anything that’s been tainted by him. And the New Age has been tainted fully by him.

Yes, I really do think he is the father of the New Age movement. He can’t have physical children but he has many children in the realm of ideas, all bad ones. Or, rather, he takes good ideas and twists them and poisons them, so that people don’t realize how twisted those idea are or how poisonous until it’s too late or almost too late. The Lord works in ways our ancient enemy cannot begin to fathom, He can always help those who call on Him.

While I’m on the subject of the New Age, let me mention something that has been on my mind lately. There is a group of people who call themselves witches who have made it their mission to change the country and they have been using their New Age means to accomplish this. They don’t necessarily have to get together physically in one place to do this, but they gather, wherever they are, and have meditation sessions at the time of the New Moon and the Full Moon, times they believe to be of great power. I remember seeing posts about this when they were trying to defeat a certain politician a few years ago. Here’s one of them.

Edit, correcting my errors: The Moon is in Aquarius now and will the New Moon will be in Pisces, not Aquarius, on Sunday. It’s still an important time (especially since New Agers think that the time of the Great Teacher of the Piscean Age–they consider this to be Jesus, by the way–has been or is being replaced by the Great Teacher of the Aquarian Age–Maitreya or who knows. Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just passing the nonsense along. So still a connection, just not the one I thought it was. More on this in a later post. And I just realized I had typed CST instead of CDT because I forgot we switch to Daylight Savings this weekend. When are we going to stop with that stuff, huh? Oy!) This weekend there is a New Moon in Aquarius, Sunday at 4:02 a.m. CST. I can only think that this would be a special time for them (that Aquarius connection) and that they will try to take advantage of what they will surely believe to be a moment of special power and force. I think we might want to set aside some time to do some extra prayer and meditation of our own with the intention of countering these influences:

And please pray for the protection, salvation, and conversion of those who are seeking the help of forces they cannot begin to understand.

That’s it for this week. Thank you for visiting and reading. Feel free to comment or leave feedback. May this Lenten season bring us to knowledge of and love for the Cross of our Lord, and may we pick up our own and follow Him with ever more love and faithfulness. God bless you, every one, and may His peace be always with you. +JMJ+

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