Is good good enough?

+JMJ+ (This is part 5 of an ongoing series on Christianity.) “Just be Good for Goodness’ Sake.” You probably saw those signs a few years ago. It was an ad campaign by a group implying that we can be good without religion. But can we? And is it enough to be good? What is good or goodness? We use these words all the time but we rarely explain what we mean when we speak of them.

Continue reading “Is good good enough?”

I slept through New Year’s

+JMJ+ Happy New Year! Which, by the way, I slept through, most of it, anyway, including the fireworks, which, by the way, were at the lake we live, the critters and I, who, by the way, slept through the fireworks, too, after they calmed down, which, by the way, Miss Lucy Dawg did after only a nod from me, saying it’s okay, and which Miss Kitty did only after skedaddling away at the first BOOM and hiding somewhere in the house, which hiding, by the way, ended after a couple of hours when she crept out from said hiding and hopped up onto the arm of my chair, which, by the way, is where she spent the next couple of hours, nodding off and then she got down and slept near, not by, but near, well, near-ish Miss Lucy Dawg.

Continue reading “I slept through New Year’s”

Our God is an Awe-some God, Francis Chan video

I’ve been fighting with technical problems today and working on my continuing review (of Letter to a Christian Nation. (I watched Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and I heartily recommend it! Going to watch it again tonight and make notes.) While replying to a post on a Catholic Answers forum, I checked my favorite Catholic audio blog, Sonitus Sanctus, to get a link, and that’s where I found a link to a free audiobook at another Christian audio site, and that’s where I saw a video by Francis Chan called, The Awe Factor of God. Whew! Continue reading “Our God is an Awe-some God, Francis Chan video”