Book of the Month, April 2021 – Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls – Part 3 

+JMJ+ Welcome to our Catholic Book of the Month series for April 2021, featuring Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Dr. John Bergsma. This week we’ve got two videos by Dr. Bergsma, one with a PDF handout, and a bonus video of a short talk by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, filmed on location at Qumran.

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A brief overview of the New Testament Part 2

+JMJ+ I enjoyed working up last week’s post (Dr Bergsma’s overview of the New Testament) so much, I’m going to share part 2 of his presentation with you tonight, covering the Gospel of Matthew, and using the same memory devices—stick figures—that he used last time. The text will be quoted or paraphrased from the video unless otherwise noted. None of the following is original, I’m taking it all from his video.

Last week’s post

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A brief overview of the New Testament

+JMJ+ In this post: a brief overview of the New Testament with handy tips and drawings by Dr. John Bergsma. And even if they are stick figures, they’re a whole lot better than what I can do. I’ll give you the video and then some screenshots that will help you get the idea planted in your mind. Drawing these yourself would help even more. I’m gonna try it later tonight, too, after I dig out a sheet of paper and a pencil. (The Story of Salvation series begins again after Pentecost.)

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Book of the Month, April 2021 – Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls – Part 2

+JMJ+ Welcome to part 2 of our Catholic Book of the Month series, featuring Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Dr. John Bergsma. I’ve got some more videos by Dr. Bergsma to share tonight, and an announcement for those who may have missed it on Twitter: I’ll be posting the Live Rosary Threads on Fridays only beginning this week in my continuing effort to spare my eyes and wrists from the computer screens and typing, but still being able to write for the blog, the books I’m working on, and other projects. All of these videos are by Dr. John Bergsma. Some are quite brief, I think the longest is just under twenty minutes. So let’s get to it. Here goes!

Continue reading “Book of the Month, April 2021 – Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls – Part 2”