I slept through New Year’s

+JMJ+ Happy New Year! Which, by the way, I slept through, most of it, anyway, including the fireworks, which, by the way, were at the lake we live, the critters and I, who, by the way, slept through the fireworks, too, after they calmed down, which, by the way, Miss Lucy Dawg did after only a nod from me, saying it’s okay, and which Miss Kitty did only after skedaddling away at the first BOOM and hiding somewhere in the house, which hiding, by the way, ended after a couple of hours when she crept out from said hiding and hopped up onto the arm of my chair, which, by the way, is where she spent the next couple of hours, nodding off and then she got down and slept near, not by, but near, well, near-ish Miss Lucy Dawg.

Continue reading “I slept through New Year’s”

Happy New Year’s Eve!

The Catholic Book of the Month posts for 2022 begin on Thursday, January 6, featuring Brant Pitre’s Introduction to the Spiritual Life. See this post for more. Enter the GiveawayDrawing is on New Year’s Day so enter soon!

Join me tonight to pray the Rosary for the New Year to build a civilization of Love, Light and Life, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Check my profile page at a quarter before 7pm CT/8pm ET when I begin posting some things to help us prepare to pray. Then the Rosary proper begins at the top of the hour. 

Continue reading “Happy New Year’s Eve!”