Humility of heart, antidote to pride

+JMJ+ The month devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is drawing to a close. With that in mind I want to share some quotes from our great spiritual writers and some videos on the subject of humility, the virtue that is the antidote to the deadly sin of pride, the sin that leads to all the other sins. Deadly sin, mortal sin, kills the life of grace in the soul, darkens the intellect, and weakens the will. You can get yourself into a heap of trouble messing around with what may seem like a trifling little sin, just a little puffed up pride. If you’re tempted, remember this: hell burns really hot, don’t go there.

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The antidote to sinful pride is humility

+JMJ+ Howdy, y’all. I wrote about typology and how to read the Bible as a Catholic last week and I’m thinking about doing some more posts about that. This week I want to focus on the devotion for this month, which is the Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion, the perfect antidote to pride that has gotten inflated to the point of becoming sinful. 

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The Virtue of Doubt

You may not have thought of doubt as a virtue before, but it occurred to me just now, as I sat here struggling to insert a small image into my last post and doubting that I would figure it out before Good Friday services began at my parish, and then doubting that I remembered the Holy Week service schedule accurately, then checking on the web and realizing that my doubt was correct–I’ve already missed the Good Friday service. Sigh. And the ones at nearby parishes begin in ten minutes. And I use the term “nearby” loosely.  Sigh again. So I think I’ll refill my coffee and write some more. There’s still time for you to save yourself by running for the door. Or slamming your laptop shut, as the case may be. Continue reading “The Virtue of Doubt”