Learning to Pray the Rosary Part 7

+JMJ+ Greetings, y’all! We’ve been exploring and learning to pray the Rosary and using art to help us. Last week we prayed the Fourth Joyful Mystery, the Presentation. This week we’ll look at the Fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding in the Temple and I’ll add some words of my own. I hope you find something useful in these posts. And remember, the Rosary on the blog is available 24/7 whenever you want to use it.

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Learning to Pray the Rosary Part 6

+JMJ+ Greetings, y’all! We’ve been exploring and learning to pray the Rosary and using art to help us. Last week we prayed the Third Joyful Mystery, the Nativity. This week we’ll continue the Joyful Mysteries with the Presentation, we’ll add the Apostles’ Creed, and I’ll add some artwork to help you enter into the scene if you like. You can go through what to do, then pray the Rosary, you can use my comments as a jumping off place for your own reflections and meditations. Or ignore me completely. (Well, maybe not completely. That’d be weird. Well, not weird, I mean, it has been done. Oh, never mind.)

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Learning to Pray the Rosary Part 5

+JMJ+ Greetings, y’all! We’ve been exploring and learning to pray the Rosary and using art to help us. Last week we prayed the Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. This week we’ll continue the Joyful Mysteries with the Nativity and I’ll give you some ideas about and helps for putting yourself into the scene while you meditate on the life of Christ.

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Learning to Pray the Rosary, Part 4

+JMJ+ Last week we explored the Rosary some more and prayed the First Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, and included some artwork. This week we’ll pray the Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation, and include some artwork, too. You can go through the post first and look at the artwork, or you can start the Rosary and then look through the artwork, whichever way you want to do it is fine. There’s a Rosary on the blog that you can use anytime, 24/7/365, too. We’ll add a couple of things this time.

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Learn to Pray the Rosary Part 3

+JMJ+ This week we’ll continue on our quest to learn to pray the Rosary and we’ll also look at some Rosary art along the way. Since it’s Monday as I write this, and we could all probably use something joyful here at the beginning of the work week, I’ve selected the Annunciation, the first of the Joyful Mysteries, for us.

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Learn to Pray the Rosary Part 2

+JMJ+ Last week we began looking at how to pray the Rosary, not why but how. We looked at the three basic prayers that make up the body of the Rosary. Well, maybe the bones of it. Oh, let me not get tangled up right here in the intro or we’ll be here all day. We’re here to take a look around and explore in a stress-free way, after all. The basic prayers are the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be. True, we only took a first and exceedingly brief glance at them in the previous post, but this is not the time or place to go deeper–because we could dive deep with just those prayers or any one of them, and perhaps we will. Later. Right now we’re just getting familiar with the lay of the land, getting a feel for things. And remember, there is a Rosary right here on the blog that you can use while you read this or anytime you like. 

Continue reading “Learn to Pray the Rosary Part 2”

How I learned to pray the Rosary

+JMJ+ There will be more Rosary art posts but today I want to write about a different aspect of the Rosary. I’ve written about why I began praying the Rosary and about my conversion (see links at the end of this post). This is the first post in a short series about how I learned to pray the Rosary. I remember thinking I would “never be able to learn all of those prayers” in those early days. But it didn’t take long at all because it was a lot simpler than I realized at first. I’m going to write about the Rosary and its prayers in a few posts so I can take a closer look at some things without loading down this one post with too much. For now here are some thoughts that helped me. Maybe they’ll help someone else, too.

Continue reading “How I learned to pray the Rosary”